Charlie Sorrel - page 167

Instagram 2.1 Fixes Almost Everything That Was Horrible About 2.0 Update [Revew]


Before and after. Instagram's Lux fixes shadows and adds contrast. Photo Charlie Sorrel

Instagram 2.1, which launched at the end of last week, has fixed up the frankly horrible interface of v2.0, and added in some significant new features. Other things — like the proliferation of scantily-clad ladies and (normally-clad) pets in the “popular” section — remain just the same.

Slick New VLC 2.0 Finally Fit For the Mac


Like an ugly duckling transforming into a beautiful swan, VLC 2.0 for Mac also comes in black. Image Felix Kühne/Flickr

VLC, the cross-platform play-everything-and-we-mean-everything video client is about to go 2.0 on the Mac. And amongst all the new features is one very welcome change: A completely re-designed interface that makes it look a lot more at home on Apple hardware than the open-source v1.x ever did.

Pink Moleskine-Style iPhone Case Is Valentine’s Rescue Remedy


Better than flowers; worse than a weekend away. The pink iPhone case makes an almost ideal Valentine's Day gift

As a nerd, it’s almost certain that you still haven’t bought a Valentine’s Day gift for your significant other (heck, as a nerd it’s not even certain you have a significant other). An inkling at the back of your mind tells you that flowers are too obvious, but your geek brain can’t conceive of any romantic gift that isn’t also practical. Fear not. We have news of the most romantic (and practical) gift money can buy: the Pink Little Black Book for iPhone.