YouTube - page 20

How I Fell Out Of Love With My iPhone And Fell In Love With The Nexus 4



I’ve been in love with the iPhone for the past five years. I got the original as soon as it went on sale in the U.K. in November 2007, and I’ve had every model Apple has released ever since. My job has given me the opportunity to play with plenty of other devices over the years — including those powered by Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone — but I’ve always remained loyal to the iPhone and iOS.

That was until a couple months ago, when my contract ended and it was time to decide which smartphone I wanted for the next two years. I already have the iPhone 5 — I bought it unlocked when it was launched back in September — and I wanted an Android device to replace the Samsung Galaxy Nexus I broke late last year. So I decided to pick up the new LG Nexus 4.

I was lucky; I didn’t have to wait six weeks for the device to arrive from Google Play. My carrier had plenty in stock, so a unit was delivered to my door the day after I ordered it. I was looking forward to testing it out, but I figured I’d play around with it for a little bit, then switch straight back to my iPhone 5 for everyday use. Like the Galaxy Nexus, I thought the Nexus 4 would be mostly used for work — testing apps and writing the odd tutorial for Cult of Android.

But boy, how wrong was I.

Siri Can Now Control Your TV, Thermostat, Lights And More With This Incredible Hack [Video]



Even though she can barely understand me, Siri can do some pretty cool stuff. She can find the answers to movie trivia and tell me if it’s raining, but she still can’t do really useful things yet, like turning off the lights or adjust my thermostat, even though home automation is going to be Apple’s next big thing.

A YouTube user by the name of Elvis Impersonator decided it’s time to take Siri to the next level, and make her a truly great personal assistant. So thanks to a Raspberry Pi, Siri can now open and close his garage door, turn off his house alarm, change his TV channel and so much more.

Here’s a video of this awesome Siri home automation hack in action:

AudioBox Streams Music To Your iPhone From Almost Any Cloud-Based Storage Locker


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If you’ve got your music stored in the cloud, then streaming it to your iPhone might be difficult. Depending on which service you use, you may need to find a third-party app — one that actually works well, and is designed specifically for music playback. AudioBox is exactly that.

Compatible with a whole host of cloud-based storage services — including Google Drive, SkyDrive, Box, and Dropbox — AudioBox ensures that you can take your entire music library with you on your iPhone.

Google And Netflix Want To Destroy AirPlay With DIAL



One of the best things about owning an Apple TV is the ability to share everything on your Mac’s screen with the flatscreen in your living room. It works perfectly. If there’s video on the Internet that you can’t find on one of the Apple TV apps, you don’t have to worry about it; you just screen share and enjoy.

Google and Netflix are tired of Apple having all the fun with wireless video streaming between devices, so they’ve brewed up their own solution to compete with AirPlay. The new protocol is called DIAL, and like Android, it’s free and already has some big companies backing it.

Apple’s New iPhone 5 Ad Showcases Do Not Disturb… The Day After It Stops Working [Video]


Do Not Disturb on. Even when you don't want it to be.
Do Not Disturb on. Even when you don't want it to be.

Apple has posted a brand new iPhone 5 ad to YouTube called “Dream.” Featuring tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams, it humorously promotes the Do Not Disturb feature that Apple introduced with iOS 6. However, Apple could have picked a better time to publish it. The clip comes a day after iPhones switched over to 2013 and the Do Not Disturb feature stopped working properly.

As Apple Turns Its Back On Google, So Does Siri [Report]


Siri made its debut on the iPhone 4s almost four years ago.
Siri made its debut on the iPhone 4s almost four years ago.
Photo: Cult of Mac

As Apple slowly but surely turns its back on Google, Siri, its intelligent digital assistant, is doing the same. If you’d have asked Siri a question back in June, there’s a 60% chance the data it came back with would have been from Google. Ask it a question today, however, and that chance is reduced to just 30%. Not only has Apple given YouTube and Google Maps the boot, then, it’s shunning Google’s search data, too.

The Greatest Feature Every Single Camera App Should Have [Opinion]




I’m tired of seeing your crappy vertical videos on YouTube. I mean, I’m not saying the content of your videos are crappy, but black bars on the sides are annoying and they’ve destroyed my desire to watch whatever cute and silly things your cat is doing on YouTube.

The war against Vertical Video Syndrome has been waging for years, yet the horde of black-barred videos that have infested YouTube have continued to multiply. However, in an unexpected move that may finally cure us of vertical videos, Google’s new YouTube Capture app has the greatest video recording feature of all-time  – you have to rotate your iPhone into landscape mode before it will let you record a video. 

Google’s New YouTube Capture App Records And Uploads Video Directly To YouTube




Google just released a new app that is going to make it even easier to share all your funny and embarrassing videos on YouTube. YouTube Capture is a new iOS app by Google that records videos and uploads them to YouTube straight from your iPhone.

YouTube Capture is designed to get videos on to the video sharing service as easily as possible by keeping the interface clean and simple. Once you open up the app it’s ready to record and after you stop recording a video it’s immediately ready to upload to YouTube. It’s simple and awesome.

Here’s a video of how the app works:

Google Chrome For iOS Can Now Play Audio In The Background After It’s Been Closed



Have you ever used Google Chrome on your iOS devices to listen to music on YouTube, only to find it stops playing when you close the app? Sometimes that’s a good thing — you don’t always need videos to continue to playing in the background when they’ve been closed. But sometimes it’s annoying, like when you’re listening to music.

Thanks to the app’s latest update, you can prevent that from happening.

Google Brings A New Look & New Features To Google Shopper For Android & iOS



Google has been busy rolling out updates to its mobile apps this week, making big improvements to the Gmail and YouTube app for iOS. But it seems the company hasn’t quite finished yet. It just rolled out some major changes to Google Shopper for Android and iOS — including a new look and new features — which are sure to make Christmas shopping on your smartphone a great deal easier.

Cult Of Mac’s Awesome 2012 Advent Calendar: Day Three – Jasmine



One of the better Yuletide traditions is the venerable holiday Advent Calendar, in which each day of December leading up to Christmas is marked off on a special calendar by opening its corresponding door to find a small gift, toy or chocolate squirreled away inside.

This year, we here at Cult Of Mac decided we wanted to give our readers their very own Apple-themed advent calendar, filled with the year’s best apps, gadgets, stories and other curios. So each day in December, we’re going to lovingly peel back the door on the Cult Of Mac 2012 Advent Calendar to reveal another delicious morsel, something really special that came out this year that we think every one of you should enjoy.

What’s on the other side of the door for Day 3? It’s Jasmine, an exquisitely designed, utterly beautiful app that will make you rediscover how cool YouTube can really be.

Watch Every Apple TV Ad Ever Aired Thanks To This YouTube Playlist [Video]



Apple’s made some excellent television ads over the last few decades. They’ve also made some dumb ones, like the Mac Genius ads that got axed this year. If for some reason you wanted to study each and everyone of the 485ish ads that Apple’s produced, some thoughtful YouTube user, who loves you very much, has created a huge video playlists of every Apple TV ad ever aired.

There are 485 ads in the playlist and it would only take you around 4 hours or so to watch them all, so have at. Watch as Apple’s ad strategy morphs before your eyes as it goes from Macintosh, to Newton, to iMac, to iPod, to the Get a Mac ads to iPhone and beyond. And if you want to combine all of those 485 ads into one long video to make it even easier for us all, that’d be pretty cool too.


Source: YouTube

Via: Gizmodo

The Difference Between The Apple Store And Microsoft Store On Black Friday [Video]



Were you crazy enough to brave the murderous masses of people looking for deals on Black Friday this year? If you stopped by the Apple Store to get a cheaper MacBook or something, you probably noticed that the Apple Stores were even more crowded than usual. But then if you went over to a Microsoft Store it looked like just a normal day.

Here’s a video that compares the amount of people visiting the Microsoft Store and the Apple Store. Surprise, Apple won on Black Friday.

Watch Movies On The Go With MacX iPad Video Converter [Freebies]


CoM - MacX

The iPad has become one of the premier video consumption devices on the planet. having access to videos in the palm of your hands anytime, anywhere is a huge bonus. But getting some videos to your iPad isn’t a slam dunk. You have to change formats for some of them – and that can be a pain.

But this freebie that we’re delivering today at Cult of Mac Deals will change all that.

For a limited time you can get MacX iPad Video Converter, the best iPad video converter on the market free of charge!

New iOS Tweak Brings Twitter, YouTube, App Store Searching To Spotlight [Jailbreak]


Make Spotlight even better with a simple jailbreak tweak.
Make Spotlight even better with a simple jailbreak tweak.

Spotlight is, in my opinion, one of the most underrated features of iOS. I know so many people who don’t use it, yet I find it indispensable when it comes to searching for emails, notes, contacts, and apps I’ve hidden in a folder somewhere. And with SLightEnhancerSearch, a new tweak for jailbroken iOS devices, it’s even better.

SLightEnhancerSearch enhances Spotlight by introducing the ability to search YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, the App Store, and lots more — right from your home screen.

Adding Scratches To Your iPhone 5 Will Make It Look Even Better [Video]



We think the design of the iPhone 5 is pretty stinkin’ gorgeous. Only problem is that its anodized aluminium casing has a tendency to scratch up very easy.

Once you’ve accrued a few scratches on your iPhone 5 you might mourn the loss of its brand new look, or you could just scratch it up even more to make it look totally awesome. It sounds counterintuitive, but that’s what one YouTube user did and the results are pretty awesome.

Take a look at the video below to see the result –

Upload Video From Your iPhone or iPad Photo Roll Directly To YouTube [iOS Tips]



I don’t take a lot of video with my iPhone, so I didn’t know about this tip until today. When looking to upload video to YouTube, I figured you’d have to transfer the video to your Mac, open up a web browser like Safari or Chrome, and use the YouTube website to upload it.

Not so, apparently, as there’s an easy Share to YouTube button in the Photos app that lets you send it directly from your iOS device. Here’s how to use it.

Apple’s iPhone 5 Launch Day Video Is Now Available To Watch Online [Video]


That's one happy iPhone 5 customer.
That's one happy iPhone 5 customer.

During its iPad mini unveiling last week, Apple showed off an awesome video from the iPhone 5 launch day on September 22. The clip featured an uplifting soundtrack by The Rival, and lots of happy customers who had just picked up Apple’s latest smartphone.

If you didn’t see it during the keynote, you can now watch it online; Apple’s posted the video to the iPhone 5 page of its website, but you can see it below.

Proof That Windows 8 Might Drive A Lot Of People To Buy A Mac [Video]



In March Chris Pirillo showed us what happens when you put Windows 8 in the hands of someone who lacks a lot of computer savvy.  Windows 8 utterly defeated his dad. Now that Windows 8 is close to launch, Pirillo hit the streets to see how other people respond to Microsoft’s new operating system, and the results weren’t pretty.

People were mystified by the new interface and said they’d need some training on how to use it, which is never what you want from your computer, you just want it to work.

If That Internet Explorer 9 Commercial Were Honest It’d Look Like This [Video]



You’ve seen Microsoft’s famous Internet Explorer 9 commercial, right? You know, the one with that catchy dub-step song and all the crazy graphics of IE being like superhero fast? They play it on TV all the time and the at movies so you must have seen it by now. It’s not really that realistic though, so World Wide Interweb made an “honest version” of the commercial.

Bottom line: Switch to Mac and use Chrome.