The CultCast - page 21

Be Heard – Send Us Your iPad Comments And Questions For Today’s CultCast



So we’ve got a brand new episode of The CultCast coming out tonight, and guess what we’re going to be talking about? But hey, it’s not all about us. We want to hear what you think.

Drop us a comment on this article with your thoughts on the new iPad or questions, and we’ll answer you on The CultCast. Or you can tweet them to us @CultofMac, just use the hashtag #CultCast.

We’ll be answering your questions and broadcasting your comments on the show for all the world to hear.

Find Out What To Expect From Tomorrow’s iPad 3 Announcement On The CultCast



If you want to know what we really think the next iPad is going to be like, you need to give episode 2 of The CultCast a listen. The Cultcast is the new Cult of Mac podcast and also happens to be the best 30 minute conversation you’ll hear about Apple all week long.

You likey? Subscribe to The CultCast right now in iTunes and hear us apply our keen senses of reason and logic to all the iPad 3 rumors you’re still not tired of hearing.

Video Shows What The iPad 3 Looks Like When Assembled




Over the last couple of months we’ve seen a truck load of individual leaked parts of the iPad 3 hit the web, but no one has had them all in one place. Someone finally got their hands on both the front and rear shells of the iPad 3 and put them together on video to reveal that what the iPad 3 will look like.

Don’t Miss Our iPad 3 Rumor Rundown On Episode 2 Of The CultCast



Did you know Cult of Mac has a brand new podcast? No lies! We’re calling it The CultCast, and it’s the best 30 minute conversation you’ll hear about Apple all week long.

And wouldn’t you know it, we just released episode two into the wild! Join Leander Kahney, Buster Heine, and me, Erfon Elijah, as we yay and nay our way though all the iPad 3 rumors you’ve been hearing; ponder how Apple’s stock price could make it to $1000 per share; and argue about whether AT&T should be allowed to throttle those of us with unlimited iPhone data plans.

Sound tasty? Well dig in my friend! You can subscribe to The CultCast right now in iTunes and listen to episode two on your way to work!

The CultCast Is Officially The Most Popular Technology Podcast On iTunes




Our new podcast has been on iTunes for barely more than 24 hours, but The CultCast has already skyrocketed up the charts and is now the #1 Technology Podcast on iTunes. We’re blown away with how successful the podcast has been and we owe it all to our incredible fans who have been downloading it like crazy. Being on the same page as shows like TWiT, 5by5, NPR and Lifehacker is very flattering, and to be at the top of that list is ridiculously exciting. Thanks a bunch, guys!

We’ll be coming out with an new episode every Thursday, but if you haven’t checked out our first 30 minute episode of The CultCast you can subscribe to it right here. Give it a listen. Tell us what you think. And if you have time to give us a rating on iTunes as well, that’d be awesome.



Listen To Episode 1 Of Cult of Mac’s New Podcast, CultCast, Right Now On iTunes!



The rumors are true. Cult of Mac has been working hard on a podcast and it’s finally here for your listening pleasure. Episode one of Cult of Mac’s frosty new podcast, The CultCast, is ready for your listening pleasure. And if you subscribe right now, we’ll throw in our “Welcome to The CultCast!” episode absolutely FREE!

But wait, what is this CultCast, you ask? Why, it’s the best 30 minute conversation about Apple you’re going to hear all week long. Join Leander Kahney, Buster Heine, and me, Erfon Elijah, as we banter about all our favorite Apple news, gossip, products, and Cult of Mac stories. Get caught up on all the best things from the world of Apple in just 30 fun-filled minutes.

Sound good? Well, alright! We’ll be premiering new 30minute episodes every Thursday night. You can subscribe to The CultCast in iTunes and listen to our first full-length episode right now. After you’ve given it a listen we’d love to hear your thoughts. What did you like? What could we do better? Let us hear about it in the comments.

Introducing The CultCast, The New Cult of Mac Podcast You’ll Want To Listen To Every Week



I’m excited to announce Cult of Mac’s shiny new audio podcast, The CultCast — made with absolutely 0% child labor!

Why should you listen to The CultCast, you ask? Simply put, it’s the best 30 minute conversation about Apple you’re going to hear all week. Join Leander Kahney, Buster Heine, and me, Erfon Elijah, as we banter about all the most popular Apple news, rumors, and products. Hear the stories behind the stories of our favorite Cult of Mac pieces, and get caught up on all the best things from the world of Apple in a fun, 30 minute chunk each week.

Our maiden CultCast episode will be released Thursday night, but you can subscribe right now on iTunes to make sure you never miss an episode. We’ll have a new CultCast for you every Thursday evening!