Staff Writer - page 22

Etymotic mc3 Earphones: The Silencer [Review, $100 IEM Week]



Review by Kelly Keltner

Let me begin this review by saying, while I’ve found some love for certain models, I don’t really care for most canalphones: They’re uncomfortable, and while I love the idea of plugging a foreign object into my ear and having that object deliver magical sounds just like an owl delivers a Howler, I usually wind up being disappointed with either the sound or the fit. So, with that in mind, it was time to try the Etymotic mc3 ($100).

This set, with a three-button remote on the cable and four sets of super-sealing, deep-seating eartips (two flanged, two foam), was now tasked with being tested by me. May the Force, that I’ll probably have to use to shove them into my ears, be with them.

Griffin and Adidas Sport Armband for iPhone Looked Wonky at the Gym [Review]



Review by Kelly Keltner

Griffin’s Sport Armband for iPhone ($30) — a product name that fills my head with visions of iPhones running around the track (“Go, go, little 3GS! You can do it! You’re not too old!”) — allows you to get up and go without worrying about your iPhone. It’s a decent attempt at making workout clothing for the iPhone, but just as with those just-a-bit-too-tight yoga pants, there are a few bulges that might cause a few sideways looks in the gym.

TMZ Posts Pics of Frail Steve Jobs [UPDATED]



UPDATE 3: And the images were fake.

UPDATE 2: Leander here. I go to pick up my kids after school and all hell breaks loose. Two things:

1. TMZ’s pictures are very upsetting but there is clearly news here. Unfortunately, the images make abundantly clear why Jobs just resigned. If these images are real, they graphically demonstrate what we all suspected — that Jobs is very ill, and has resigned because of it.

The question is how we should have handled it. Posting the pictures is a no no. We had this debate when the National Enquirer posted pictures of Jobs earlier this year. We decided they were ghoulish and stayed away. News editors face these decisions all the time when reporting terrorist strikes, famines, disasters or other events that generate upsetting images. Usually they don’t show the most horrific, graphic pictures, but they don’t shy away from reporting the news either.

We work in a highly-competitve, realtime news environment. Decisions about what to post and how is almost always immediate, on-the-fly. It’s impossible to make the right call every time. That’s why news outlets with more resources than we have employ several layers of editors. On this blog, everyone is encouraged to post as quickly as possible — it’s the only way to stay competitive — but that means the editorial process is sometimes post-publication, as it is now.

2. As for the “staff writer” byline, I’m not going to throw the blogger here under the bus, but there is a good reason they post anonymously. In the past, they’ve been the victim of persistent trolls. We decided — with my full blessing — that some of their posts were better posted anonymously to deflect the knee-jerk negative attention they were attracting. That didn’t mean that all posts by this writer should be anonymous, but the system defaults to the settings that were last used, which may be the case here.

Lastly, I regret that we posted the pictures, and I apologize for it. I’m sorry we caused offense. We hold Steve Jobs in the highest regard and affection. We sincerely wish him the best.

UPDATE 3: There are a lot of calls to take this post down. It is very tempting to delete mistakes — just disappear them — but it’s crucial to maintain the integrity of the editorial archive. If we disappear stuff without explanation or notice, how can anyone trust what we write? In fact, we try to be rigorous about making changes to posts after they’ve been published, using strikethroughs to correct mistakes and editorial notes (‘updated’) to add new material. When we make mistakes, we need to correct them, not delete them.

UPDATE: Editor’s note: We have pulled the TMZ photo. We had posted it because we felt it had clear news value, but we understand they are upsetting pictures. Apologies if we offended anyone.

TMZ has a pair of paparazzo pics posted today showing a very gaunt, frail Steve Jobs being helped — or almost held up — in what looks like a parking lot. They are incredibly hard to look at.

We’re holding out hope that they are fakes.

The pictures are here. Warning, they are very upsetting.

Reuters blogger: Don’t Ignore Tim Cook’s sexuality


Apple's new boss will sit opposite Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg a D10 next month.
Apple's new boss will sit opposite Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg a D10 next month.

Reuters blogger Felix Salmon wrote a provocative post about Tim Cook and his personal life.

“Tim Cook now the most powerful gay man in the world. This is newsworthy, no? But you won’t find it reported in any legacy/mainstream outlet.”


Belkin N750 N+ Router is the Supreme Burrito, and Then Some [Review]



Review by Kelly Keltner

I have a love/hate relationship with routers. I love what they do and the freedom they give me; hate that they never quite live up to my expectations. I’ve been through numerous routers over the years and have yet to find one that truly impressed me. However, Belkin’s N750 DB Wireless Dual-Band N+ Router ($130) might be the first that I’ve had a good overall experience with right out of the box.

Worst Unauthorized Apple Giveaway Ever? iPod Awarded to Woman who Guessed Amy Winehouse Death


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Of all the product tie-ins Apple never approved, getting an iPod for predicting a death has got to be the worst.

Cynical journos have long had newsroom betting pools on when public figures would meet their makers but website brought that gallows recreation to the Internet public back in 2007.

The prize? An iPod Touch.

Divers find Stolen iPhones, iPods in California Lake


CC-licensed, thanks to David Siu on Flickr.
CC-licensed, thanks to David Siu on Flickr.

A police investigation looking to recover stolen goods found a pile of iPhones and iPods at the bottom of a California lake.

Sgt. David Watts of the Big Bear Police Department said the divers spent four hours in the murky water of Four Island Lake in Central California.

iPads Stolen from Russian Pilot



The friendly skies weren’t so kind to a Russian pilot who had eight iPads nicked from his luggage somewhere between JFK and Moscow.

Oleg Korneev thought he wasn’t taking many chances with the precious cargo: he used two external locks and shrink wrapped his suitcase before boarding the plane.

Motorola CommandOne Bluetooth Headset: The Cyborg [Review, Primo Headset Week]



Review by Kelly Keltner

Despite the word “Droid” plastered everywhere, the new Motorola CommandOne Bluetooth headset ($100) has already become my friend. True, it’ll never learn to pronounce my name correctly, is misunderstood by some of my other friends and has questionable fashion sense. We remain friends, however, because it’s easy to understand and comfortably fits in my ear. It’s unlike most relationships, but it works for us.

App Brings FaceTime Chatroulette To Your iPhone


Picture 4

FaceKandi is a new app that uses Apple’s FaceTime chat to hook you up with real live people to “chat, flirt, make friends or simply have a bit of fun.”

The live, one-on-one FaceTime chat works on the iPhone 4, the iPad 2 and the fourth-gen iPod Touch. The devs say the app does not store your personal data, or record your Facetime ID.