News - page 2353

Virtual Reality Guru Jaron Lanier Praises iPhone’s Closed Software



Fake Steve points us to a provocative Discover Magazine commentary by technology visionary Jaron Lanier, best known for putting the virtual reality bug in everybody’s ears at TED II way back in the ’80s. Lanier argues emphatically that open-source software doesn’t automatically yield creativity or innovation.

Twenty-five years later, that concern seems to have been justified. Open wisdom-of-crowds software movements have become influential, but they haven’t promoted the kind of radical creativity I love most in computer science. If anything, they’ve been hindrances. Some of the youngest, brightest minds have been trapped in a 1970s intellectual framework because they are hypnotized into accepting old software designs as if they were facts of nature. Linux is a superbly polished copy of an antique, shinier than the original, perhaps, but still defined by it.

I think he’s mostly right, although it’s worth noting that many of the works of art in software that he speaks of were built on the backs of open-source software. For example, the iPhone runs on the Mach Kernel, which is open-source, and then OS X BSD above that, all available in Darwin and featuring contributions from the open-dev community.

What Lanier speaks to instead is that different methods are suited best to different kinds of innovation. Vision-driven projects plotting new directions in interface design, radical improvements and others are best served in proprietary contexts. Under-the-hood improvements and refinement can be driven quite effectively through the work of open communities. This is something that Apple has demonstrated for a long time — it’s very hard to come up with the right questions to ask. It’s relatively easy to answer them once asked. Apple and other proprietary visionaries cited by Lanier are asking the right questions. The open-sourcers answer well-known questions that have bubbled up for years. It’s incremental improvement, but no less critical for the future of software and hardware development.

The iPond Combines iPod Shape, Fish Abuse in One Package



I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of stupid crap vaguely inspired by the iPod. The best of these in recent memory is the iPond, an Australian product that crams a really tiny fish tank — and a Siamese fighting fish — into a weird package that looks sort of like an iPod (and more like a 1G Zune). Oh, and it plays music through a really crummy speaker.

The best part of all of this? The iPond is virtually guaranteed to kill any fish unfortunate enough to get put into the iPond. Fighting fish need 10 liters to live, and the iPond is .65 liters. Oops. The Sydney Morning Herald has the story:

Studies proved fish had memories well beyond a few seconds and were social creatures that experienced pain and boredom, he said.

“The fish in this thing does not look like it has very long to live and it can barely move,” he said.

“Even if it does live it’s not [a] life worth living … it’s really just a torture box.”

Even better? The sound from the speaker leaks inside the tank. So it’s a really loud torture box. I know it’s a little late, but how do I get this on my wishlist?

Via Gizmodo.

Is Disney Trying to Reinvent Apple History at Epcot?



The revamped Spaceship Earth ride at Disney’s Epcot Center has a special “Steve Jobs section,” according to the lifthill blog, which tracks news about rides and roller coasters, and was invited to a special preview.

But once at the Steve Jobs area, which is supposed to depict the birth of Apple computer in a garage, the lifthill blogger noticed that the lone figure in the garage looked a lot more like Wozniak than Jobs.

The figure is facing the wrong way, so it’s hard to tell, but it’s wearing the same shirt as Wozniak in a famous early photograph copied below, and has similar hair and beard. Conspriacy theorists note that Jobs is the single largest shareholder in Disney– but I can’t believe he cares that a section of Epcot bears his name or likeness (or not).

Anyway, there’s no second figure in sight, so one of them is slighted. And so too is the third Apple-founder, Ron Wayne, but no one cares about that.

But what is that thing the dummy Woz/Jobs is sitting in front of? It ain’t no Apple I or II — the first and only machines Woz created more or less single-handed. It looks like a big wooden Mac, but none of the Mac prototypes looked like that — they were much more finished.

Higher-res pictures at lifthill.

Via Boingboing.


Too-Close-to-Home Parody of Apple Product Lifecycle



I just stumbled across Mister BG’s all-too-real parody of Apple’s Product Lifecycle. This is my favorite paragraph:

The haters offer their assessment. The forums are ablaze with vitriolic rage. Haters pan the device for being less powerful than a Cray X1 while zealots counter that it is both smaller and lighter than a Buick Regal. The virtual slap-fight goes on and on, until obscure technical nuances like, “Will it play multiplexed Ogg Vorbis streams?” become matters of life and death.

It’s funny because it’s true. Well done, sir.

Via Digg.

New Apple Store in NYC on Dec. 7. — Great Poster



One good opening deserves another, so Apple is just about ready to match its new San Francisco store in the Marina with a new shop in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village big props to Apple’s creatives for a logo that’s so darn Big Apple. Beautiful work, guys.

David Sebastian Buus took the photo while on a bike ride.

doctormac: New Apple Store in NYC / Dec. 7.

Via Digg.

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Brand Your PC Running OS X With Pride



Celebrating the growing Hackintosh community, the small but prominent group of closeted Mac-lovers finding ways to put unauthorized installs of OS X onto garden-variety PCs, Willowhaven, a user at Insanely Mac, has created a set of logos to print out and slap on the side of your beige box to show your true heart.

They all look pretty good, except for that horrifying Apple + Dell logo. Some things simply can’t get redeemed.

Via Begley

Fake Bono Guests on Fake Steve, Intros Fake (RED) and White iPhones



U2 Iphone
Not content to chronicle the fake life of Fake Steve Jobs, author Daniel Lyons has expanded his scope a bit this week by introducing guest blogger Fake Bono of U2, who showed up to present the totally non-existent White Beatles and Product (RED) U2 iPhones. The Beatles model comes with the complete Beatles catalog, plus the band’s solo work, and the U2 model comes with all of Rock and Roll. Read for yourself:

Edge and I hate to be left behind, so we’ve come up with an even bigger idea we’re going to pitch right here where Steve has to read it. Why just buy the Beatles? What you really want is to buy rock and roll. All of it. Presenting the U2 Rock and Roll iPhone. 64 gigabytes of Product (RED) iPhone packed with all of rock and roll. Beatles, Stones, Zeppelin, Sabbath, U2 of course, plus Nirvana and Pearl Jam all the way up to the complete Arcade Fire and Mike Doughty. If it rocks, it’s in here.

Yeah. Seven posts in all, and now Fake Steve has posted an elaborate tale of account hackery to explain how Bono seized control in the first place. All in good fun. Nice Thanksgiving prank.

Via iPhone Savior 

New SF Apple Store Brings Feel of Fifth Avenue to West Coast



Being in an extended turkey coma this morning, I didn’t quite get out of bed early enough to hit the brand-new Apple Store in San Francisco’s Marina, but fortunately the amazing SFist (t-shirt picture) and IFO Apple Store (all else) were all over the opening. Based on the reportage, it sounds pretty stunning. And hey, 1000 free t-shirts!

Gary Allen of IFO Apple Store had a lot of nice things to say:

The store is definitely unique, combining individual features from various stores–or no stores at all. The facade lacks the usual stainless steel and uses white masonry like the Lincoln Road store. The ceiling is about 15 feet tall, unlike any other store. There are no window displays, which would obscure the view of the store interior. And the suspended Apple logo duplicates the Fifth Avenue store. It definitely establishes a presence for Apple in another neighborhood of San Francisco.

Nice. You have to love Apple’s commitment to not stand still with their Apple Store recipe. Each store has its own unique qualities. Fabulous.

New Apple Store Opening in San Francisco on Black Friday



Just in case you don’t already have plans to get trampled at Best Buy or Target this Friday, Apple announced that it will open its third San Francisco store at the end of this week. Though it’s highly unlikely that the shop will offer any $25 BluRay players from Taiwan, Apple usually provides goodie bags to the first bunch of customers at its newest stores, even when it doesn’t tie into the scariest shopping day of the year. Anyone going to be in line? Anyone already in line? Get in touch if you want to share the experience. The madness starts at 9 a.m.

Via AppleInsider
Picture from Fireside Camera’s Flickrstream

Dell Dude Now Working As Waiter, Recommends El Grande Burritos



Few ad campaigns inspired as much mockery as “Dude, You’re Getting a Dell!?!” which plagued the airwaves for years in the late ’90s and earlier part of this decade. Essentially, an annoying looking guy, played by Ben Curtis, would yell out the stupid catchphrase, and then people would pretend to be excited that they were receiving a cut-rate PC with all the classy styling of a kitchen wastebasket. But times change, and stars get fired for marijuana possession, and Curtis has now turned up as a waiter at Tortilla Flats in New York. My friends over at New York Magazine have the exclusive interview.

What’s the most extreme reaction you’ve gotten?
There was a group of women in their early forties, one of whom was bawling. I walk over and they said, “Our friend just passed away. We thought you might be able to cheer [us] up, we know who you are and you’re an incredible human and you’ve been through a lot and you’re an incredible actor. We’re all DEA agents, and we think you should smoke as much pot as you want to. And we love you.”

Well, you would have to, to get excited about about a Dell.

Via Engadget.

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Applebee’s New Logo Close to Apple’s Logo



Few people, other than Michael Scott on “The Office,” like Applebee’s. Recognizing this, the company just redid its logo, and, well, it kind of looks like Apple’s logo.

Applebee’s Old Logo:

Applebee’s New Logo:

Apple’s logo. The main similarity I see is in the font. A bit too close for comfort. Thoughts, Apple legal?
Apple Logo3

Applebee’s images via BrandCurve.
Apple logo courtesy Pycomall

Round-up: 15 Worst Apple Predictions Ever



Our pals over at Wired’s Gadget Lab have gathered together 15 of the most foul-smelling Apple forecasts ever, including a number of hits from the ever-prescient Rob Enderle. This is my all-time favorite:

Hewlett Packard iPod To Be a Winner

“The expectation on the iPod is that HP’s version will probably outsell Apple’s version relatively quickly.” Rob Enderle, quoted in MacObserver in August 2004.

The whole list is hilarious. It still doesn’t include my favorite of all time, delivered by (among many others) Cliff Joseph, which was that in 1998 Apple was ready to move into the Internet Set-Top Box game with a sub-$1000 product called “Columbus.” This was a done deal. As you might recall, Columbus was the iMac.

Check the list and report back. Any you think they missed?

Late Halloween Treat: Working iPhone Costumes



I didn’t keep up on the Apple-related halloween costumes as well as I like to, but I did see one that I thought you guys just had to see. It’s Bobby Hartman and Reko Rivera as a pair of iPhones with functioning displays. According to the page about their costumes (weighing in at 60 pounds and using LCD-TVs hooked up to Video iPods for their feeds), Reko is a DJ, so this is all old hat to him.

The clip is killer.

Thanks, Scott!

‘SNL’ Uses Jailbroken iPhone as Apple Closes TIFF Exploit



I love the NBC and Apple feud so much. Sometimes, the companies overtly bash each other. For every other moment, there’s fun speculation. Take for instance, the latest volley, which likely has nothing to do with the epic rumble between Jeff Zucker and Steve Jobs, but it’s fun to pretend otherwise. Here’s the set-up: NBC’s Saturday Night Live had a sketch featuring an iPhone that Gizmodo believes to have the illicit installer app that graces all jailbroken iPhones — and then, today, Apple issues iPhone firmware 1.1.2 on UK iPhones, which closes the exploit that enables the current group of jailbreaks. Coincidence? Or distant shots in a hundred-years war?

(No further word on features for 1.1.2. Best not to install for now.)

Via digg.

Hulu, NBC-News Corp Online Service Launches GigaOM



Do you Hulu? Well, you might just be the only one. Hulu is the new, still closed-to-the-public video service from NBC and the Fox network’s parent company. Originally mooted as a corporate-friendly alternative to Youtube’s freewheeling territory, recent events have helped position the site as a competitor to the iTunes Store, Cable On-Demand Service, and even a floorwax/dessert topping. Though the parent companies involved clai that their service will immediately start to steal eyeballs from its more seasoned competition, it remains to be seen what they have to offer that, you know, everyone else doesn’t already deliver.

A private beta of the service launched this morning, though they haven’t sent me an invite yet (I registered in August). But check out this screenshot from the home page, I mean where else are you going to go to check out reruns of “Pretender” or “Rob & Amber.” Steve Jobs must be quaking in his boots right now.

Anyone gotten in the door yet? Is it corporate-tacular?

Hulu, NBC-News Corp Online Service Launches GigaOM

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