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Conquer YouTube (and win $10,000) with LG’s Dream Setup competition


LG is offering $10,000 and a chance for budding vloggers to build the computer rig they've always wanted as part of its Dream Setup competition.
LG is offering $10,000 and a chance for budding vloggers to build the computer rig they've always wanted as part of its Dream Setup competition.
Photo: LG

This post is brought to you by LG Electronics.

Since the dawn of YouTube, anyone with a webcam and something to say has had a chance to become a bona fide superstar.

A huge portion of the vlogging celebrities on the Tube make their name and fame by reviewing technology or games — searching “let’s play,” the genre of YouTube videos in which vloggers entertain viewers by getting way into playing video games, yields some 7 million hits. “Unboxing” — literally videos of someone unboxing some new toy or gadget — pulls up more than 20 million.

3 ways to recover lost iPhone data with Tenorshare iPhone Data Recovery


iPhone Data Recovery for Mac offers total access to your iOS device's backup files, including from iTunes and iCloud.
iPhone Data Recovery for Mac offers total access to your iOS device's backup files, including from iTunes and iCloud.
Photo: Tenorshare

This post is brought to you by Tenorshare, maker of iPhone Data Recovery for Mac.

Sometimes it’s helpful to think of your iPhone for what it actually is: a sleek and fragile glass box where you keep lots of really important information. Luckily, it’s a box you can back up, but pretty much only by using iTunes or iCloud — not exactly user-empowering tools for protecting and recovering your data.

BuzzBundle lets you master the online buzz about your business


Buzzbundle is a powerful tool for finding and joining conversations about your business or brand.
Buzzbundle is a powerful tool for finding and joining conversations about your business or brand.
Photo: Buzzbundle.com

This post is brought to you by BuzzBundle.com.

The power of the internet lies in the conversations it carries. If you’re looking to build an online reputation for your business or brand, you’ve got to make sure your voice is heard where it counts.

Wherever someone is talking about something you can relate to, there’s an opportunity to attract new followers and customers. The trick is finding them, and BuzzBundle can help.

Dropzone’s latest upgrade breathes new life into drag-and-drop


The latest update to Dropzone makes it even more useful.
The latest update to Dropzone makes it even more useful.
Photo: Aptonic

This post is brought to you by Aptonic Limited, maker of Dropzone.

Drag-and-drop functionality — which lets us quickly and easily move files from place to place, into apps, onto websites — might be the most fundamental way we interact with our computers. That’s why we’re impressed by Dropzone: It’s basically an upgrade of good ol’ drag-and-drop for OS X.

With version 3.5, which drops today, Dropzone is even better.

Start making movies with one of the easiest video editors around


iSkysoft Video Editor makes it easy to dazzle your friends.
iSkysoft Video Editor makes it easy to dazzle your friends.
Photo: iSkysoft

This post is brought to you by iSkysoft Studio.

Videos are the new family slideshow, a way of turning visual memories into entertainment for friends and loved ones.

Our computers double as digital junk drawers, with photos, video clips and audio recordings collecting in folders and collecting dust — one of the best ways to bring those memories back to the light of day is to make videos out of them.

Wrangling all the Apple devices in your workplace just got a lot easier


Jamf Now is a cloud-based solution for managing all the devices used for doing business
Jamf Now is a cloud-based solution for managing all the devices used for doing business
Photo: Jamf

If you’re running your business on Apple machines, it’s probably because you want to keep things clean and simple. But wrangling desktops, tablets, phones and the employees who use them isn’t as easy as syncing your calendar.

Emails, point-of-sale operations, apps, security settings — an enterprise of any size can quickly present a symphony of stresses that’s too much for any business owner to orchestrate.

Need Publisher for Mac? Give Lucidpress a try


Lucidpress gives you all the power of Publisher or InDesign.
Lucidpress gives you all the power of Publisher or InDesign.
Image: Lucidpress

This post is brought to you by Lucidpress.

Anyone involved in digital publishing is pretty much forced to work with one of two applications: Microsoft’s Publisher or Adobe’s InDesign. The pricing of the two reflects the fact that they’re the only two games in town. And since Publisher is PC-only, Mac users have only one option.

Lucidpress thinks people are hungry for a viable alternative, so it’s created a web-based publishing platform that’s as scalable and feature-rich as any of the big-name desktop software — but priced for access to anybody.

Finally, a way to make Macs and PCs play nice


NTFS for Mac breaks down the barriers between Windows and OS X -- and you could win a copy!
Photo: Paragon Software Group

This post is brought to you by Paragon Software Group, maker of NTFS for Mac.

It’s an unfortunate truth that Macs and PCs generally don’t get along. Snickering ads aside, the discord between the platforms is a real inconvenience for anyone trying to make the jump from one to the other, or for people who work with both at the same time.

Luckily, software can help — and you can enter to win a three-in-one bundle that helps bridge the Mac-PC divide.

Quickly recover your lost files with FonePaw Android Data Recovery


Ever accidentally delete data from your phone? We thought so.
Ever accidentally delete data from your phone? We thought so.
Photo: FonePaw

This post is brought to you by FonePaw, maker of Android Data Recovery.

All our smartphones have a limited amount of storage space. And I for one regularly purge my phone data of unnecessary stuff I no longer think I’ll need. But have you ever deleted a contact or a message thread, then wished you had it back? FonePaw Android Data Recovery is designed for just that scenario.

It’s the ultimate data-recovery software for Android smartphones and tablets — a must-have tool that efficiently recovers deleted or lost files from your device, with an uncomplicated user interface that is easy to navigate. All you need to do is plug in your phone to your home computer and allow Android Data Recovery to scan, retrieve and recover your lost files.

Download and convert YouTube videos for free with MacX Video Converter Pro


Digiarty celebrates five years of creating great video download software with a fantastic free offer.
Digiarty celebrates five years of great video download software with a fantastic free offer.
Photo: Digiarty

This post is brought to you by Digiarty, creator of MacX Video Converter Pro.

Sometimes you see a great video online and you’ve just got to have your very own copy. MacX YouTube Downloader, a free tool from Digiarty, can make that happen. And if you want to take things a little further, companion software MacX Video Converter Pro can transform the videos you’ve downloaded into files that will work on all your devices.

Possibly the best part? Digiarty is celebrating its fifth birthday in style this week by giving away MacX Video Converter Pro!

This app cleans out your digital junk drawers


Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro eliminates unwanted images in a snap.
Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro eliminates unwanted images in a snap.
Photo: Systweak Software

This post is sponsored by Systweak Software, maker of Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro.

There was a time when people could keep track of their photos with a few shoeboxes in the closet. Now we live in the digital age where an average person will take thousands of photos each year — that’s a lot of shoeboxes.

Digital photography uses a lot less paper, but it still creates a big mess. Maybe that explains why Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro is currently ranked No. 7 on Apple’s list of the top 10 paid downloads in the Mac App Store. Its popularity speaks to just how common the problem of unwanted duplicate photos is.

An Iron Man suit for your MacBook power supply


MeezyCube will protect your MacBook’s power supply.
MeezyCube will protect your MacBook’s power supply.
Photo: Bulwark Products

This post is brought to you by Bulwark Products, maker of MeezyCube.

Buying any Apple product — whether a phone, tablet or laptop — is an investment in quality. We pay a premium for the sake of a device that’s designed and built to last, perform and look good while doing so.

Unless, of course, you’re talking about the power supply that comes with any MacBook. Somehow, Cupertino’s hardware wizards haven’t been able to move us beyond an unwieldy, tentacled plastic brick whose white plastic quickly gets scuffed up and filthy.

5 proven SEO tips to boost your site’s search rankings right now


These tips will boost your SEO immediately
These tips will boost your SEO immediately.
Photo: GotCredit/Flickr CC

This post is brought to you by SEO PowerSuite, an all-in-one suite of powerful yet easy-to-use Mac SEO tools.

As Google changes its algorithms, website operators who want to land a prized top spot in search results must update their approaches to publishing and search engine optimization, or SEO.

Google’s goal is to return helpful search results to its users. Understanding how Google determines what sites are relevant is critical if you want to raise or maintain your site’s organic visibility.

Memories photo scanner brings your old photos into digital world


Memories Photo Scanner makes it easy to digitize your pictures. Photo: Idea Solutions
Memories Photo Scanner makes it easy to digitize your pictures. Photo: IdeaSolutions

This post is brought to you by IdeaSolutions, creator of Memories Photo Scanner.

Do you have a bunch of old photographs — you know, photos printed on paper — stored away in photo albums or yellowing in cupboards? Pictures you wish to see again and share instantly, the way you do with digital photos through apps and social media?

Photo-scanning app Memories makes bringing old photos into the digital world incredibly easy. Using the app on your iPhone, you can scan up to 15 photos per minute. And the results are awesome.

4K Video Downloader makes it easy to grab YouTube videos


4K Video Downloader makes it easy to grab videos from YouTube and other services. Photo: OpenMedia
4K Video Downloader makes it easy to grab videos from YouTube and other services. Photo: OpenMedia

This post is brought to you by OpenMedia, creator of 4K Video Downloader.

Do you want a copy of a YouTube video on your iPad, iPhone or other device? 4K Video Downloader allows you to download video, audio and subtitles from YouTube and other services. The easy-to-use Mac software lets you grab media files of the highest possible quality, as quickly as your computer and connection will allow.

Downloading is simple and straightforward: Just copy the video link from your browser and click the Paste URL button into 4K Video Downloader.

4K Video Downloader does the rest!

Free up space on your iPhone with Duplicate Photos Fixer


Photo: Duplicate Photo Fixer
Photo: Duplicate Photo Fixer

This post is brought to you by Systweak Software, creator of free iOS app Duplicate Photo Fixer.

If your iPhone is short on storage, it’s most likely crammed with pictures and videos — especially if you’re not prone to sorting your photos manually. In fact, photos and videos typically occupy more than 50 percent of storage space on iOS devices, according to Systweak Software. And up to 10 percent of the photos could be duplicates created inadvertently during the simple act of shooting or editing pictures with your iPhone.

Luckily, Systweak Software’s free Duplicate Photos Fixer makes it easy to locate, evaluate and delete duplicate photos. The iOS app is a quick and simple way to recover valuable storage space and organize your photos.

Short film Life on Trial spoofs a murderous case of internet lag


Photo: Life on Trial
In short film Life on Trial, a gamer deals with the devastating effects of lag. Photo: Life on Trial

This post is brought to you by TeliaSonera International Carrier.

If your internet service provider faced a trial, would it be found guilty of sucking?

That’s the cheeky question posed by satirical short film Life on Trial, a goofball riff on classic courtroom dramas. Only in this trial, the victim is a video game character — Poanbone the Smashivator — and the defendant is the game’s creator, who skimped on network services.

The murder weapon? A serious case of lag.

Free app Tweak and Tuneup boosts performance of your Mac


Tweak and Tuneup will get your Mac up to speed. Photo: Systweak Software
Tweak and Tuneup will get your Mac up to speed. Photo: Systweak Software

This post is brought to you by Systweak Software, creator of free performance-boosting Mac app Tweak and Tuneup.

To get the most out of your Mac, you should occasionally purge all the unwanted files that can negatively affect your system’s speed and efficiency. It’s crucial maintenance, but manually deleting all the unnecessary files can be a drag — especially if you waste a lot of time searching for instructions or reading out-of-date tips.

Forget that. Free Mac app Tweak and Tuneup is a suite of speedy tools that scan your Apple computer, quickly locating and deleting junk files to free up loads of disk space and restore your machine’s full speed and power.

Add all your videos to your iTunes library with iFlicks


iFlicks makes it easy to import all your videos into iTunes. Photo: iFlicks
iFlicks makes it easy to import all your videos into iTunes. Photo: iFlicks

This post is brought to you by iFlicks.

Are all your videos hidden in a bunch of folders or stored haphazardly in the cloud? Wouldn’t you rather they were all as easy to sort and locate as your iTunes content, with metadata like movie posters and cast credits?

Using iFlicks 2, you can easily import your video collection into iTunes. This gives you the ability to watch your third-party videos directly in iTunes or transfer them to your Apple TV, iPad, iPod or iPhone. On top of that, iFlicks downloads metadata (information or visuals related to your videos) and lets you tweak the metadata manually. Managing your video collection in iTunes has never been this easy!

Inventive shorts show what you can do with new Sony Action Cams


In the short film Picture Machine, a Sony Action Cam gets loaded into a tiny clear car to capture unique shots. Photo: Studio Nos
In the short film Picture Machine, a Sony Action Cam gets loaded into a tiny clear car to capture unique shots. Photo: Studio Nos

This post is brought to you by Sony.

We’re massive fans of Sony cameras, so we’re really interested in two new Action Cam models that challenge the GoPro status quo. To show off the eye-popping capabilities of its high-def duo — the 4K and the Full HD — Sony commissioned more than 20 short films shot on the tiny video cameras by directors from all over the world.

The first batch of the Never Before Seen shorts show how innovative filmmakers and artists utilize the Action Cams’ small size, enhanced image stability and other unique features to make Hollywood-level videos.

Get free preview of Macphun’s new Noiseless app to save your nighttime photos


The new Noiseless photo app makes grainy photos look better. Photo: Macphun
The new Noiseless photo app makes grainy photos look better. Photo: Macphun

This post is brought to you by Macphun, creator of Noiseless.

iPhones double as great cameras, but they do have limitations, especially when you’re taking pictures at night or simply in low-light conditions. The photos can appear grainy when viewed later, enlarged on your pristine Mac screen.

Noiseless is a new photo-editing Mac app that cleans up your pixelated or grainy images and helps you create refreshed, clear pictures for your photo library. And you can download a free preview of this powerful photo app for free.

Get your lost iOS files back fast with FonePaw iPhone Data Recovery


Sponsor Reviews for FonePaw iPhone Data Recovery
iPhone Data Recovery makes it simple to restore lost iOS files. Photo: FonePaw

This post is brought to you by FonePaw, creator of iPhone Data Recovery.

Accidentally delete important iPhone files? Encounter a fatal failure while jailbreaking your iOS device? Experience a hardware or system malfunction? iPhone Data Recovery can snap you out of this all-to-common data nightmare quickly.

The easy-to-use Mac software is designed to help you recover deleted photos, videos, messages, contacts, call history, notes, etc., either directly from your phone or by extracting and restoring files from iTunes or iCloud. All you need to do is plug your mobile device into your Mac and click “Start Scan.”

Energize your brain with REBUS, a stylish but absurd logic game


New iOS game REBUS will get your brain firing on all cylinders. Photo: Jutiful
New iOS game REBUS will get your brain firing on all cylinders. Photo: Jutiful

This post is brought to you by Jutiful, creator of REBUS.

You know what a rebus is — a graphic puzzle representing a word or phrase. An example would be a letter “M” sitting atop the word “day”: “M” on “day” equals “Monday.”

REBUS, a new “absurd logic game” from Jutiful, is an app containing more than 100 rebuses (with more on the way). Solve these stylish word puzzles to collect achievements you can share with friends.

30 Mac SEO tools to boost your website’s traffic


Ready to solve your SEO woes?
Ready to solve your SEO woes?

This post is brought to you by SEO PowerSuite.

Search engine optimization can make or break your website. And Google and other search engines’ constant tweaking of their algorithms means a “set it and forget it” policy can lead to disaster for your site’s SEO.

Luckily, there are plenty of DIY tools to help you boost and maintain your site’s search engine ranking. Some are free, while others come in a variety of paid versions to accommodate businesses of all sizes. All offer different tool sets to help you achieve various goals. The roundup below shows the key features and pricing info for 30 top Mac SEO tools so you can quickly and easily decide which one works best for you.