Today in Apple history: Apple becomes a corporation


Apple is worth more than the entire US energy sector combined
Today marks another key milestone in early Apple history.
Photo: Ste Smith/Cult of Mac/401Calculator

January 3: Today in Apple history: Apple becomes a corporation January 3, 1977: Apple Computer Co. is officially incorporated, with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak listed as co-founders. The Apple incorporation leaves out third founder Ron Wayne — who initially invested in the company — because he sold back his stake in Apple for $800.

The funding and expertise needed to turn Apple into a corporation is provided by a man named Mike Markkula, who becomes an important figure in the company’s history.

Apple Computer incorporates

Apple was founded on April 1, 1976, to hawk the Apple-1 computer, which went on sale for $666.66 in July 1976. However, despite that machine’s current status as the most expensive personal computer of all time due to its scarceness and historical value, the Apple-1 did not become a big hit. A small production run meant extremely limited numbers of the computer. And, unlike later Apple devices, it was not noticeably ahead of the competition.

Add that to the fact that personal computers only proved of interest to a tiny group of hobbyists, and you wind up with a machine that would be forgotten today if not for Apple’s later success.

Apple II leads to Apple incorporation

The follow-up, dubbed the Apple II, proved completely different. Apple’s first true mass-market computer, the Apple II shipped with a keyboard, BASIC compatibility and, most notably, color graphics. Apple later augmented these features with great peripherals like the Disk II floppy drive and superb software, ranging from games to productivity tools like VisiCalc, the spreadsheet that became the Apple II’s killer app.

Getting the Apple II manufactured, though, required a lot more money than Jobs or Wozniak possessed. This is where the Apple incorporation and angel investor Markkula came into the picture

Mike Markkula provides crucial guidance

After making millions on stock options acquired as a marketing manager for Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, Markkula had retired at age 32.  Marketing whiz Regis McKenna and venture capitalist Don Valentine introduced him to Jobs.

In November 1976, Markkula agreed to help Jobs and Woz create a business plan for Apple. They targeted sales of $500 million within a decade. Markkula invested $92,000 of his own cash. And he helped get Apple a quarter of a million dollars in credit from Bank of America.

The Apple incorporation came next, on this day 1977. Apple Computer Co. then bought out the earlier Apple partnership for $5,308.96. The following month, Apple brought in Michael Scott to manage the company as its first CEO. (His salary? $26,000 per year.)

These maneuvers prepped the company to launch the Apple II later in 1977. And the rest is history …


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