Cool dark MacBook Pro rig pairs HomePod minis [Setups]


HomePod mini stands
Those black-looking orbs are actually paired HomePod mini smart speakers on stands. Blame the mood lighting.
Photo: [email protected]

What’s better than a HomePod? Well, two HomePods, obviously — especially if they’re paired for true stereo sound. Today’s MacBook Pro and Xbox setup, under-lit for a dark and moody vibe, includes AirPods Pro 2 but gets its robust in-room audio from a set of paired HomePod minis placed on HomePod mini stands near the back corners of the desk.

HomePod mini stands elevate paired speakers in moody MacBook Pro setup

Redditor Texas_sucks15 (“Tex”) showcased the beautifully under-lit setup in a post entitled, “A minimalist take.” His dark and moody lighting makes it hard to see everything clearly in the setup, but the photograph is visually striking. He’s got a space black (probably) MacBook Pro driving a 34-inch curved ultra-wide LG 1440p display on a monitor arm.

“It’s also decent for gaming,” Tex said of the LG monitor, which he likes. “I have an Xbox linked up to it, as well.”

For input devices, he uses a mini Magic Keyboard and a Magic Trackpad. An iPhone fixed magnetically to a stand in Standby mode, which makes the handset handy as a clock or for other widget use.

For audio, you can see an AirPods Pro 2 charging case sitting on the desk. But the paired smart speakers caught our eye.

Black orbs = paired HomePod minis on stands (turned sinister by mood lighting)

At a glance it may be tough to be sure what they are, but those two black orbs near the back corners of the desk are actually paired HomePod minis on stands.

“Are those HomePod minis?” asked a curious commenter. “Interesting placement, does it effect the sound image having them like that?”

“They’re stands that position them differently for aesthetics,” Tex replied. “I don’t notice a sound difference with them on vs. off [the stands].”

So Tex doesn’t think there’s much difference in sound quality when the little smart speakers are on HomePod mini stands or off. But there could be a bit of difference. When elevated, most speakers project a little differently and gain a bit of clarity. But that would be more true of speakers that project in one direction and benefit most from elevating and pointing, say, at your ears. HomePod minis are 360-degree speakers, so sound goes everywhere and bounces off surfaces. Pairing them brings true stereo sound.

And HomePod mini stands can make a useful addition anyway. Some provide added functionality, like Elago’s stand. In a stable silicone stand that the company says won’t effect sound quality, it adds a separate EQ and an indicator light.

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Input devices:

If you would like to see your setup featured on Cult of Mac, send some high-res pictures to [email protected] (iPhone pics usually suffice). Please provide a detailed list of your equipment. Tell us what you like or dislike about your setup, and fill us in on any special touches, challenges and plans for new additions.


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