No need to wait: How to install iOS 18 now [Updated]


No need to wait: How to install iOS 18 now
Here's how you can install the final version of iOS 18 on your iPhone today.
Graphic: Rajesh Pandey/Ed Hardy//Cult of Mac

iOS 18 will go out to iPhones everywhere on September 16, but you don’t have to wait. It’s possible to go ahead and install the final version this weekend when you have time to tinker with it.

And doing so doesn’t require doing anything dodgy or risky. You’ll be getting the final version of upgrade straight from Apple… just a little earlier than scheduled.

Update: This article is now moot, as iOS 18 is officially out.

Advantages of installing iOS 18 now

iOS 16 was announced at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference way back in June, and has been in beta testing ever since, so what’s coming is not a surprise.

And there’s a lot to like. iPhone users get an updated Messages app with RCS, an upgraded Safari browser, the improved Apple Maps app, a redesigned Photos app, and much more.

Wouldn’t it be great to start tinkering with these features this weekend when you (hopefully) have spare time? The alternative is to wait until Monday when you’ll probably be at work.

And getting iOS 18 now is easy and safe.

Become a beta tester… sort of

The iOS 18 release candidate went out for testing on September 9. This gives beta testers an opportunity to look over the final version of the operating system before it’s introduced to average users. In other words, Apple has made the final version available to beta testers. You can become one of these in just a few minutes.

Normally, beta testing comes with risks. You’re using pre-release software that certainly contains bugs. But this isn’t a normal situation – you’re joining the program only to get the release candidate. It’s the same RC Apple will send to everyone on September 16.

That said, there’s a small chance the final version will be a very, very slightly tweaked version of the release candidate. Apple might make some last minute bug fixes to the RC before sending it out.

How to install the iOS 16 release candidate

If you like the idea of trying out iOS 18 now rather than later, start by going to the webpage for the Apple Beta Software Program. Be sure you’re signed in with your Apple ID, then click the Get Started button (Or this might say Sign up instead.). You will then need to click Agree on the Beta Software Program Agreement to continue.

Apple Beta Software Program: Sign Up
Tap the Sign up button to get started in the Apple Beta Software Program.
Screenshot: Apple/Cult of Mac

You can then choose which version of Apple’s software you want early access to on the resulting Guide for Beta Software page. In this case, you want iOS. Tap on it, then look for the Get started section and tap on enroll your iOS device.

Now grab your iPhone and go to  Settings > General > Software Update  > Beta Updates. Be sure iOS 18 Public Beta is checked. It’s possible you’ll need to restart your iPhone to get this to show up.

Now iOS 18 should show up in Settings > General > Software Update on your iPhone. Tap Install Now to download and install the release candidate.

Unenroll iPhone from beta program

Once you have the iOS 18 RC installed, you can unenroll your iPhone from Apple’s public beta program. It’s a two-step process. Start on your iPhone by going to Settings > General > Software Update > Beta Updates and tap Off from the list of options. Then, in a web browser, go to Apple’s unenroll your devices web page, scroll down and tap on Leave Apple Beta Software Program. Then follow the prompt on the pop-up window. Restart your iPhone.

This won’t remove iOS 18 from your handset. You just won’t receive any future iOS betas. All you’ll get are the same operating system updates everyone else receives.


When you finish, you’ll have iOS 18 on your iPhone and won’t have to worry about installing it on Monday, September 16. Go try the cool new Distraction Control in Safari.

And when your friends or coworkers point out that iOS 18 is available, you can say, “Oh, I installed that days ago.


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