Nitrozak and Snaggy, the lovely people behind the Geek Culture website and the Joy of Tech comic, are giving away three of copies of Cult of iPod — as well as Geek Culture beanies, t-shirts and books.
Cult of iPod contains several JoT cartoons, like the iPod madness comic above. (Click the link for the full cartoon).
Entering the contest is easy — simply post a reply in the forum thread. The contest closes Friday November 18th at 8PM Pacific. Winners will be chosen at random.
Cult of iPod by Leander Kahney
The Best of The Joy of Tech by Nitrozak and Snaggy
12 responses to “Cult of iPod Giveaway”
Great idea. Love giva aways, love the blogg. The audience must be complimentary.
Kai simon
It ended… With his body changed to light, A star that burns forever in that sky.” Anonymous: North American Indian
Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog Few people are interested and the frog dies of it — E B White (1899-1985)
Great blogg, keep it up
I always enjoy the tweets from Cult of Mac (I follow them on Twitter). Hope I win the giveaway! :)
Cult of Mac is the first twitter thread that I read in the morning! :-)