Gorgeous MacBook Pro rig reveals key cable-management tip [Setups]


MacBook Pro cable managment
Underneath and behind that Studio Display and MacBook Pro lurks a key cable-management practice that even RGB lighting can't reveal.
Photo: [email protected]

It’s another thrilling Monday, so we thought we’d sex things up with everybody’s favorite scintillating subject — cable management. Sarcasm aside, it’s high on the list of things folks only love having done, not planning (and dreading) or actually doing (in half-assed ways). Anyone who’s ever been forced to clean their room can relate. So today’s easily digestible tidbit comes from a MacBook Pro user offering one simple and effective MacBook Pro cable management tip.

Keep your setup pristine with this user’s MacBook Pro cable management tip

Redditor kevohreal (“Kev”) showcased the setup and its striking display wallpaper in a post entitled, “My WFH Studio Display Standing Desk.” He runs a MacBook Pro in clamshell (closed) mode on a vertical stand, driving a Studio Display. It’s in an exceptionally clean setup with nice RGB lighting behind a standing desk, with colors set to match beautiful desktop wallpaper on the screen from Basic Apple Guy. And Kev’s the relatively rare user who favors Magic Trackpad over a mouse (not both), using it with a Logitech MX Keys mini keyboard.

“That’s all you need for a minimal workspace,” said an appreciative commenter. “Nice job dude!”

“Does the LED backlighting respond to the monitor image colors?” asked another. As you can see in the photo, the colorful splash on the wall behind the desk looks great.

“No, I just customized it to match, but it can sync to music (which I don’t have toggled on),” Kev replied. “Govee RBGIC LED Strip.”

MacBook Pro cable management tip

MacBook Pro cable management
This shot shows what’s going on behind the laptops.
Photo: [email protected]

And then came a question that gets directly at today’s main subject — how do no cables appear in the setup? It’s one of those pristine setups that makes it look like all the gear is wireless, perhaps with perpetual battery life. But of course it’s not.

“What’s your cable management like for plugging your MacBook into your display?” asked a commenter.

“Single 6-foot Thunderbolt cable with passthrough charging runs underneath (zip tied to the desk frame into a cable raceway, and back to the display),” Kev replied.

So that’s simple. He just anchors a Thunderbolt cable running from the display to the desk frame using a plastic zip tie. Then he runs it through a cable raceway probably colored to match the wall and lead the cable right up to the port on the back of the laptop. Presto, no cable! (And the dark lighting helps hide it, no doubt.)

And if you like that striking desktop wallpaper showing on the Studio Display, it’s something Basic Apple Guy made called “Strokes” back in 2017.

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If you would like to see your setup featured on Cult of Mac, send some high-res pictures to [email protected] (landscape iPhone pics usually work fine). Please provide a detailed list of your equipment. Tell us what you like or dislike about your setup, and fill us in on any special touches, challenges and plans for new additions.


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