Moving files between iPhone and Windows is about to get easy Image: Microsoft
Microsoft started rolling out an upgrade Wednesday to its Phone Link software and the Link to Windows app that promises seamless file transfers from iPhone to PC and vice versa.
The goal seems to be imitating the functionality of AirDrop, Apple’s simple system for wirelessly moving files between iPhones, Macs, iPads, etc.
This 1985 pact with Microsoft was one of the most damaging deals in Apple history. Photo: Ste Smith/Cult of Mac
November 21, 1985: Following Steve Jobs’ departure, Apple comes close to signing its own death warrant by licensing the Macintosh’s look and feel to Microsoft. The Apple-Microsoft deal — struck by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Apple CEO John Sculley — comes hot on the heels of the Windows operating system’s release.
The pact gives Microsoft a “non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, nontransferable license to use [parts of the Mac technology] in present and future software programs, and to license them to and through third parties for use in their software programs.”
This is how Windows 1.0 looked when it shipped. Screenshot: Microsoft
November 10, 1983: Microsoft tells the world about an upcoming product called Windows that will bring the graphical user interface to IBM PCs. Although Microsoft’s announcement about the new operating system comes before Apple launches the Mac in 1984, Windows 1.0 won’t actually ship until November 1985, earning it an early reputation as “vaporware.”
At the time, Apple doesn’t view Windows as much of a threat. That doesn’t take long to change, however.
For only $40, Microsoft Visual Studio offers tools for greater coding collaboration. Photo: Cult of Mac Deals
In software development, having the right tools can make all the difference between sinking and succeeding. If you’re on the hunt for such tools, Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 — on sale today from Cult of Mac Deals — stands out as a powerhouse for developers who want to enhance productivity and streamline the coding process.
This professional-grade 64-bit integrated development environment is more accessible than ever. It can improve how you and your team approach your programming. Act fast to get Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 for just $29.97 (regularly $499).
Turns out using an iPhone at a Microsoft event is a bad idea. Photo: Off2riorob/Wikipedia CC
September 11, 2009: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer reportedly snatches an iPhone from an employee during a meeting and pretends to destroy it.
The iPhone freakout isn’t the first time Ballmer behaves in a wacky way and incurs negative publicity as a result. However, it’s an embarrassing moment for a man who ranks among the tech world’s most powerful people.
With Windows 95, Microsoft clearly had a hit on its hands. And that spurred nervous Apple execs into action. Photo: Microsoft
September 6, 1995: The newly launched Windows 95 operating system dominates software sales, sending virtually every other company scurrying for cover — Apple included.
Microsoft’s $85 PC operating system went on sale at the end of August, but by early September, the company sells a massive 1.63 million copies of Windows 95, according to excited analysts. It represents a massive triumph for Apple’s biggest rival of the 1990s.
Microsoft wants Apple to relax more App Store rules for Xbox Cloud Gaming. Photo: Ed Hardy/Cult of Mac
Apple relaxed the App Store rules earlier this year, paving the way for cloud gaming apps on the iPhone. However, Microsoft and Nvidia have not yet listed their cloud gaming services on the App Store. The former argues that Apple’s rules are still too restrictive for this.
Microsoft’s main issue revolves around the 30% commission that Apple wants for IAPs. It says the fee is “neither economically sustainable nor justifiable.”
"What's the deal with bad advertising?" Photo: Microsoft
August 21, 2008: Microsoft recruits comedian Jerry Seinfeld for a series of ads. It’s a naked attempt to shake the company’s reputation as a stodgy oldster (as opposed to Apple’s trendsetting hipster image).
Microsoft pays Seinfeld a reported $10 million for the ads. However, thanks to the Mac’s appearance in virtually every episode of Seinfeld over the years, the comedian remains the world’s most famous Apple fanboy.
A judge's decision proves very damaging to Apple. Image: Ste Smith/Cult of Mac
August 14, 1991: As Apple and Microsoft head to court to battle each other, the tide begins to turn against Cupertino and its claims that Windows unlawfully copies the look and feel of Mac OS. A judge’s ruling calls into question the basic tenet of Apple’s copyright lawsuit against Microsoft over Windows 2.03.
The case concerns whether key elements of Apple’s operating system are original enough for copyright protection. The decision turns out to be a major blow against Apple — and the start of the company’s 1990s decline.
Apple's market cap is way ahead of Microsoft and Nvidia. Photo: Pixabay/Pexels CC
With a market capitalization above $3.6 trillion, Apple regained the title of world’s most valuable publicly traded company. The Mac-maker is valued well above Microsoft and Nvidia, both of which had been valued higher earlier this year.
A recent sharp rise in AAPL share value seems to indicate that investors are optimistic that a surge in iPhone sales is on the horizon.
Microsoft will make its employees in China use iPhones for security purposes. Photo: Nomad
Starting in September, Microsoft will require its employees in China to use iPhones for work-related activities, effectively banning Android devices from work use, according to a new report. And of course the irony of a new policy stating that Microsoft employees in China must use Apple devices isn’t lost on us.
A market cap of $3.3 trillion Illustration: Cult of Mac
Apple rose to once again become the world’s most valuable publicly traded company on Wednesday. Its market capitalization passed $3.3 trillion, once again putting the Mac-maker ahead of Microsoft.
This comes just days after Apple dropped to third place when Nvidia’s share market cap briefly rose ahead. But AAPL has been on a tear since announcing plans this week to integrate AI into iPhone, Mac and other products.
Update:Stocks go down as well as up, and when Wall Street closed on Wednesday, Microsoft’s valuation was slightly higher than Apple’s.
Microsoft Visual Studio Pro and the 2024 Premium Learn to Code Certification Bundle make a powerful combo. Photo: Cult of Mac Deals
Build your own app (iOS, Android and/or Windows — or all three simultaneously) with Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 and the 2024 Premium Learn to Code Certification Bundle.
This double deal features Microsoft Visual Studio Professional, an integrated development environment where you can code complex projects, along with video lectures teaching beginner coding. And you can get the whole thing for just $52.97 for a limited time.
May 26, 2010: In a massive milestone, Apple passes Microsoft to become the world’s most valuable technology company.
The changing of the guard proves particularly amazing given that, just 15 years earlier, Apple looked close to dead, while Microsoft dominated the tech world thanks to Windows 95.
Microsoft ads take issue with Apple's premium prices. Photo: Microsoft
April 16, 2009: Apple hits back at Microsoft following an advertisement that criticizes Cupertino for failing to sell decent laptops for less than $1,000.
“A PC is no bargain when it doesn’t do what you want,” Mac PR director Bill Evans tells Bloomberg. “The one thing that both Apple and Microsoft can agree on is that everyone thinks the Mac is cool. With its great designs and advanced software, nothing matches it at any price.”
Apple and Microsoft had a long and storied history together. Photo: Fulvio Obregon
April 4, 1975: Microsoft is founded by childhood friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen. The software company destined to become a tech behemoth — and a major Apple frenemy.
A few years later, Microsoft will break through to the mainstream with Excel and Word, becoming a key developer of Macintosh software. Then comes the Windows operating system, looking suspiciously Apple-like. After Windows arrives, Microsoft and Apple will embark upon a long-running feud.
The original ad for the Z80 SoftCard. Photo: Microsoft
April 2, 1980: Microsoft releases its first hardware product, the Z80 SoftCard. A microprocessor card that plugs into the Apple II, it allows the computer to run programs designed for the CP/M operating system, a popular OS for business software.
Arriving several years before the first version of Windows, the Z80 SoftCard quickly becomes a big hit for Microsoft.
February 14, 1995: Apple Computer extends a lawsuit against developer San Francisco Canyon Company to include Microsoft and Intel. The lawsuit concerns allegedly stolen Apple code that’s used to improve Microsoft’s Video for Windows technology.
The lawsuit comes to a head with Apple threatening a multibillion-dollar lawsuit against Microsoft. Meanwhile, Microsoft CEO Bill Gates threatens to cancel Office for Mac.
It's another sign Cupertino is very serious about competing in artificial intelligence. Photo: Cult of Mac
When it comes to deploying artificial intelligence in products, companies like Google might seem quicker on the draw than Apple. But no major tech company bought more AI startups than the iPhone-maker in 2023, according to a new report.
That suggests Apple might soon become a leader in generative AI rather than playing catch-up.
Apple could have teamed up with Disney to make an offer. Photo: Yahoo
February 4, 2008: Apple CEO Steve Jobs reportedly considers buying the search engine Yahoo. Apple is one of several interested companies, following reports that Microsoft offered $44.6 billion for the web portal the previous week.
Nothing ultimately comes of it, but Apple’s interest is later confirmed in an authorized biography of Jobs.
Get the knowledge you need to rack up IT certifications with this $70 super-bundle. Photo: Cult of Mac Deals
The Complete 2024 Microsoft Tech Certification Training Super Bundle takes you on a deep dive into the skills and subjects you need to land a job in the IT industry. While finishing this educational bundle alone won’t get you certified, it will set you up for success. Finish the courses, then ace the critical exams to earn the certifications you need.
For one low price, you get unlimited access to 11 courses with 246 hours of material, covering everything from desktop management to Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Teams. And for a limited time, it costs just $69.97.
Bill Gates' rivalry with Steve Jobs was legendary. Photo: Fulvio Obregon
January 13, 2000: Steve Jobs’ longtime frenemy Bill Gates steps down from his role as Microsoft CEO, a month after his company’s stock hits its all-time high.
The news coincides with a turning point in the long-running battle between the two tech powerhouses. Microsoft begins a long decline from its previous dominance, while Apple continues its rise to the top.