Some of the best photos from National Geographic’s travel photographers of the year are now available as free wallpapers for iPhone, iPad and Mac. The collection includes images from a wide range of photographers. They’ve been divided into categories for nature, cities and people so you’re bound to find a few that catch your fancy.
Check out some of our favorites:
Formation, by Niklas Weber

This beautiful formation of sharp-mouthed crocodiles was shot on the Río Grande de Tarcoles in Costa Rica. Weber says he saw the crocs swarming the small island and couldn’t help but fly his drone over to capture the moment.
Geometry of the Sun, by Enrico Pescantini

“Teotihuacan means ‘the place where the gods were created,’ and that’s the exact feeling visitors have when they walk along the Avenue of the Dead at this Mexican archeological site,” says Pescantini. The pyramid in the photo was dedicated to the god of Sun, and during certain times of the day half of it is dominated by sunlight while the other half is in shadows.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, by Daniel Cheung

The light illusion is created by artwork that uses an accumulation of light points to create a sculptural body. Cheung says he saw the girl in a red dress running around the space and then dart out at the perfect moment, making it look like she was traveling through a time tunnel.
You can browse the entire collection and download them right here.